"How The World's SMARTEST Women Keep Their Men Permanently Attracted to and Committed to Not Cheating, Never Abusing and Yet, Loving Them Forever"

...Finally You Can Begin to Enjoy the Kind of Relationship that Most Women Crave For... But Never Seem to Get

Dear friend,

Let me start this letter by asking you a question…

Are you looking for a way to do revive the love in your marriage, so you can have exciting romance, and literally feel the butterflies in your stomach every time you hear your man’s voice.

If your answer is “YES I do!“, then you will love the information I’m about to share with you.

Who the heck am I and why should you listen to anything I have to say?

My name is Atewo Laolu-Ogunniyi also known as Peeshaun and you might know me from my popular page on Instagram @skukipeeshaun…


Where I help over 200,000 Nigerian women become calmer, stronger and more focused in their love life and relationships…


So they can become the type of strong, independent woman every man dreams of…


I am a relationship coach and an Afrobeats musician…


I am the younger of the music duo – SKUKI, the duo responsible for megahit songs like ‘Banger‘ and ‘Pass The Agbara‘ and many more…


And apart from that I’m an Amazon best-selling author for my books, ‘Make Him Worship You‘ and ‘How To Get Over Your Ex’.


Now that we’ve been introduced, let’s get down to business.


If you want to gain the complete and undivided affection and attention of your man, in other words…

... Have His "Mumu" Button

And make yourself completely irresistible to him and have him obsessed with and truly committed to you, you really only need to follow 3 simple steps…

These 3 steps I’m about to tell you have nothing to do with…

So what are the 3 steps?

Well Step One is, you need to make your husband know you don’t care about whether he is attracted to other women…

As I’ve said many times, when it comes to men, neediness is the opposite of attraction.

Most women lead with fear rather than with value by focusing on the possibility of ‘other’ women in their marriage.

And this damages their homes and pushes their husbands away.

Remember that it is exhausting to be with a woman who is always looking for the possible reasons she is not enough for you.

Step Two is, you need to shift your attention off him.

By changing your focus, you are also changing your physical state.

This is important because fear is physical.

And you cannot be the woman your husband needs when you are always afraid for the marriage…

Anytime you are fearful, your blood pressure rises, your heart rate increases, and your body’s whole biochemistry changes…

See, when it comes to love…

To truly, primarily make your man desire you so he doesn’t look outside…

You need to create an overwhelming atmosphere of calm whenever you are around him, the opposite of what so many women do by complaining about even the smallest of things.

Step Three is, you have to make it his idea to want you and give you his heart by telling a different story of your marriage.

A lot of women have stories they tell themselves as a way of justifying their suffering or justifying what they don’t have or haven’t achieved.

Stories like:

“Men want women they can mold how they want”

“Relationships are not easy”

“Men are never satisfied with ME. But they seem to be satisfied with OTHER women.”

“I’m not the kind of woman men are irresistibly drawn to.”


Or maybe the story you usually tell yourself is:

Men always cheat. No matter how much I try to satisfy a man, he always cheats or he wants something else. I just can’t keep him at home. He will always want someone more beautiful, or younger than me!

Remind yourself that this is nonsense talk…

Beautiful celebrities like Omotola Jalade Ekeinde have been ADVERTISED deliberately, to be a sex symbol, so most people see her that way…

Of course, MEN see her that way too

It’s the same way everyone sees a newborn baby and their first thought is holding and hugging her.

You have the ability to be an Omotola Jalade Ekeinde in your marriage because all you have to do is flip your man’s physical AND emotional desire to make him obsessed with you.

Flipping your man’s desire and stimulating his affection for you is something you can learn…

As I’ll show you in this letter…

You just have to tap into that part of yourself

So, your new story could be:

I am more than enough for my man. I have always been enough. I know the truth. I’ve just been lying to myself. I have everything I need within me right NOW to be more than enough. Sexy enough, smart enough, confident enough, beautiful enough – all of it.

If you follow these 3 simple steps and you learn how to stimulate this need to win back your love and attention in his mind…

The man who didn’t want to eat your food or even talk to you, the same man who wouldn’t sleep with you for months, maybe even years, will finds himself happily confessing heartfelt love to you and taking you out to romantic places…

And suddenly the man you’ve been waiting and crying for, for too long, finally becomes yours and yours alone.

Now you might be wondering Atewo that's amazing,
but how do I actually DO it?

Well, let me tell you first how I learnt about it.

Many years ago, when I was much younger, I had the rare opportunity of seeing how couples were experiencing problems in their marriages…

And how those problems were solved in the simplest of ways…

So every day at past 12pm, unhappy men and heartbroken women would troop into our house all headed to a small sitting room…

They would sit down with my mother for hours and hours and she would advise them about their marriage until they finally left with smiles on their faces…

Of course, I was listening to each and every single conversation because I didn’t have a choice…

I could either sit down gently and behave myself or be flogged for running about the house…

I particularly remember a story of a woman whose husband drifted away from her emotionally and started cheating, while she was pregnant

I remember how she went through serious post-partum depression, and how my mum had to coach her through the pain and turbulent times…

And the suggestions she gave this woman until her husband came running back to her one day begging and apologizing for all the wrong he did her…

Women of those days did not have the financial strength or half the opportunities that women of today have, so walking out of a marriage was not the easiest thing for women those times.

Looking back today, I still don’t know how she did it…

My mum is a typical African mother, and she was just that woman that everybody runs to

People would come to her for premarital counselling…

A couple would be going through hard times; they’ll be coming to her back-to-back to back to back…

And doing it over and over, even coaching her friends…

I think that’s what gave her the magic touch in handling the marriage she had with my dad…

Before she passed on in 2019, they had shared 40 years of marriage

And I never saw them fight, or quarrel, not once…

Over the next few years, I absorbed every secret, every technique, every trick and idea, from her. Secrets like:

And so much more I decided to share with you.


That is why today, I’m excited to present…

How to Create Permanent Attraction
in Your Relationship or Marriage

The ATTRACTION FACTOR LIVE is a LIVE class holding online on Saturday, 29 October 2022 that will show you how to turn on the love switch in your relationship and make your man express undying love to you so you fell like you’re in an everlasting honeymoon.

It’s the magic key to finally waking up your man today, to see the strong, intelligent, beautiful woman he has lying right next to him.

Here’s a tiny taste of what you’ll learn and how your life will change if you’re one of the lucky few to sign up for the LIVE class today.
–  Why most marriages are now heading for divorce and how to be a better partner and correctly handle the disagreements that arise on a daily basis.
–  A simple way to keep a relationship alive, exciting and passionate without losing your partner in the process.
–  You’ll learn how to make your man love you forever (Even if all the men you love and care for always end up hurting you no matter how hard you try to please them)
–  Are you tired of men using and dumping you? I’m going to teach you my “wonder woman” technique that helps you find your perfect spouse, so you never have to feel heartbroken ever again.
–  BEFORE YOU GET MARRIED: Why maturity is necessary for the lasting success of a marriage and how to assess your partner’s maturity status on a scale of 1 – 10.
–  You’ll learn 7 ways to get your husband to do house chores and cleaning even if he says he is busy and how to get him to spend more time at home with you especially if you are not the outgoing type.
–  You’ll learn why men get married and still get side-chics outside and how (if you’re married) to keep your husband’s heart totally committed to you. (Once you learn this, you’ll never worry about his whereabouts or what he does when he’s not with you, and you’ll be amazed how passionate, connected and focused your husband is with you when you decide to go to the bedroom).
And so much more…

Here’s my promise to you, attend Attraction Secrets LIVE online class, listen to what I have to teach you and understand how men really think about women and you’ll be shocked at how your entire love life and marriage transforms overnight.

In fact, if you’re like a lot of women I’ve taught, you’re going to feel like you suddenly woke up from deep sleep. You’ll have a whole different perspective to your love life and relationships, you’ll put your needs and desires first and finally get the never-ending love and commitment of your man.

Honestly, I can’t wait till you feel what it’s like to really take charge of your marriage…
To know with 100% confidence what your man wants and that only you can give it to him…
To have your husband unattracted to any woman but you…
To have him confess you as the most beautiful woman in the world, and find him saying he can’t imagine being in bed with another woman…
To have that loving man you have always wanted for so very long…
Now just imagine this for a minute, imagine all the heartbreaks, frustration and disappointment and fear you feel around your marriage right now, just disappearing, almost like magic…
Imagine the heartbreaks and the nights you cried and the feeling that you’re not good enough finally fading away…
Imagine the fear of it being too late for you to find real love in your marriage or that people tell you to just pretend everything is okay to avoid disgracing the family, draining away like water.
Imagine what it would be like to you to have the secret code to your husband’s heart and the almost magical ability to inspire him to love you more than he’s ever loved anyone before, would that feel good, would that feel amazing?
How much is it worth to have all these in the palm of your hands?
How much is it worth to win him back to yourself and KEEP him in love with you for as long as you want?
How much is it worth to know he has given you his heart…his love…his devotion…and that it is yours forever if you just follow everything I teach you?
To have your husband wake up and notice the amazing woman who has gone through a lot of things for him right under his nose the whole time…

Here's What Other People Just Like You
Who Have Learnt From Me Before Now Have
To Say About What They Got From My
Previous Work They Bought...

and much more!


If you’ve read this far through this letter, I know it’s because you want this.

You want a relationship like the one I have with my soon to be wife, the one my mother had with her husband.

You want a relationship where you wake up every day in love, where you roll on the bed and look into his eyes and see how much and how desperately he adores and appreciates you and I want that for you too.

Think about how knowing this information and plan of action will change your entire future with men just like they did for me…

How it will keep your current marriage from ending in bitterness, pain and divorce the way you see it happen on the news…

How it will make sure you never make the same mistakes again…

How it will keep him faithful…

And then ask yourself…

What do you think would be a fair price to...
make your man express undying love to you
for the rest of your realtionship with him?

Is it five hundred thousand Naira? A million naira?

Can you even put a price on it?

Can you put a price on being filled with happiness every morning when you wake up and see the love of your life laying there right next to you breathing peacefully…

Knowing he’s going to treat you like a queen for the rest of your life?

If you’re being completely honest, I bet you’d say that ₦100,000 or more would be an incredibly cheap price to pay to finally be loved and adored and cherished by your true love the way you’ve always wanted…

Especially considering that barely a few months ago, a woman paid me one million naira for a one-month one-on-one relationship coaching…

(By the way, it’s N1.5 million for a full month of one-on-one coaching for couples.)

I bet you’d think ₦100,000 was cheap to never have to feel that pain and torture of your man hurting or abusing you ever again…

To never have to wonder why he doesn’t care about you…

Or why he no longer responds to your sexual advances…

Because you can now feel the passion and desire and love flowing out of him like heat from a gas cooker…

And considering this is a power you’ll carry with you for the rest of your life and will change the way your husband treats you forever

Well, when you look at it that way, it sounds trivial, doesn’t it?

But you know what, I get it…

I know that even when you want something so much and it’s a once-in-a-lifetime deal…

As a woman and a mother who’s spent so much of your life giving and giving and giving to others…

Sometimes it feels impossible to be “selfish” and give yourself what you need without putting the interests of others ahead of your own…

Which is why I am going to do something special for you…

We’ve already agreed that learning how to make your man truly love you and only you, forever is worth at least ₦100,000…

Or possibly even more…

But because you’ve read through my whole story…

And because you’ve shown me that you’d rather be one of the lucky few to learn the very same enchanting techniques my mother taught me years ago…

I’ve decided to let you attend the Attraction Secrets LIVE online class for a tiny fraction of what you would normally pay…

Which means you won’t pay ₦100,000…

You won’t pay ₦70,000…

You won’t even pay ₦50,000…

Nope, if you act right now, you’ll get your ticket to attend the Attraction Secrets LIVE online class for just one single payment of…


And all you have to do to secure this incredible discount is click the button below right now…

And just to make this decision easier for you to make, I’ll exceed your expectations and…

Give You These 3 Bonuses at
No Additional Charge

First, you’re going to get my Partner U-turn Magnet Report, just read this short report to know without a doubt when your husband starts to pull away (and know weeks before he starts showing the signs) and exactly how to bring his attention, his passion and his love instantly back to you.

Second, you’ll get the Perfect Union Checklist. Once you master what I teach you in the LIVE online class on Saturday the 29th of October, you’ll know how to make your man yours and yours alone.

Then use this checklist to know exactly what to add to your marriage to explode the passion and love…and why most of the free relationship advice you have been getting is wrecking your home.

And Third, you’re going to get Purse Romance, this is a secret report I created about finances in marriage, where I reveal simple but powerful tricks for getting your husband to spend and even lavish his money on you (without asking him for it)

It’s decision time and this really could be the most important decision of your life…


See you’re at a critical moment right now and you really have just 2 options…

Option one is for you to leave this page, ignore that deep feeling in your heart, go back to the heartbreak and frustration of now, a life where men are confusing, where you complain over how your husband just doesn’t want to have anything to do with you, where you give your heart to him and you end up beaten, bruised and sad.


You can do that if you want to but if you’ve read this far into this letter, you know what you’re doing now just isn’t working, you can feel yourself craving for more and you deserve more.


Which brings us to option 2…


Take one tiny action today that will have an incredible impact on the rest of your life.


Simply click on the button below right now, enter your payment details or make a bank transfer of ₦30,000 to secure your ticket to the Attraction Secrets LIVE and attend the LIVE online class on Saturday 29th October 2022…


Feel the change in yourself as you wake up to the truth about men and the truth about love.


Transform the way you look at your relationships and marriage.


Become that one irresistible treasure your husband simply can’t resist, the treasure he chooses not to resist because you’re everything he’s always wanted.


Again, all you have to do is click the button below, register for your ticket to the Attraction Secrets LIVE, attend the online class on Saturday 29th October, find out for yourself what I have to teach you, experience for yourself what it’s like to finally understand men and finally have an incredible marriage, the same way my partner ultimately made me realize that I didn’t want to be single, I didn’t want to be a player, I didn’t want every woman in the world, I just wanted ONE woman who would become my world.
