Immediately He Said, "I Love You Like A Friend..." I Knew I Was Alone Again

You probably have experienced this far too many times than you care to remember.
You meet a guy, he's obviously interested in you. You like him. "Hmm" you think, "I could date him". But you're waiting a while to make sure you're making the right choice, you become friends. You wanted him to feel like he “earned” you.
He says nice things.
Out of the nowhere in the middle of the day, he texts you, "You’re so beautiful.”
You read it and a smile blooms on your face. You blush and feel this heat in your chest He does it enough times and hope, serious hope starts to grow in you. You feel yourself start to fall for him…
So you like him more. Then you start opening up. You accept him.
It happened on your fourth date. You were both kissing on the sofa…
And as you inhaled the good masculine smell of him and felt the strength in his arms…
You felt so safe and protected and desired.
So you "make love,” “have sex,” “hook up.”
Whatever you want to call it, it was amazing.
Afterwards as you both lay there tangled in each other's arms, he ran his fingers through your hair…
As you laid your head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat, you let yourself believe in some way that maybe, just maybe, it was beating for you…
And you want him for keeps.
The next two weeks were magical, filled with flirty and sexy texts, laughing in bed and talking in vague terms about the far-off future…
You let the walls you’d built around your heart fall down – brick after bitter brick.
Then, “you know what” happened.
Twenty passionate texts a day turned to ten boring ones.
And “I can’t wait to see you,” turned to “I’ve been really busy with work.”
And then suddenly, like a bad nightmare you’ve had again and again and again…
You become the one chasing him and feeling disgusted and hating yourself for it.
While he used to pull you towards him, pick you up in his arms and kiss you like in the movies... now he then just bends down a little and kisses you like his sister.
Before you'd go out and hang out. After those two weeks, he started wanting to only be with "his boys"
Soon the space between you two grew as wide as the Atlantic ocean.
And that day, you knew you would never hear from him again.
If this has happened to you, and you can't lie about it, then you must be tired.
You must be tired of going to bed, alone, feeling a raw wound in your heart where all your hope and love used to be.
Thinking about Bayo who you met a Faculty party back in University.
Or Ikem, the Igbo boy from your first workplace who chased you and chased you until you finally agreed to go out with him. You had three dates and then he wouldn’t talk to you and never looked you in the eye again.
Or Dave who even proposed. Who you spent 5 years with, only 2 of which were any good… because you didn’t want to be alone.
So you lay in bed staring at the ceiling and feeling the ice cream rumbling in your belly, and bile rising in your heart…
You're thinking about starting over again and want to sob…
Going on “Tinder” or “Badoo” or whatever dating “app” people are using these days since no guys actually just walk up and asked you out anymore.
And you think about Deji, how sincere he had seemed, and how anyone couldn’t fake looking at a woman like that.
You think about starting over again and you want to cry…
And wondering… what happened?
Wondering why he pulled away.
Wondering "what I could do to make him want me again…"
What Can I Do To Make A Man Chase Me, Want Me, And Literally Worship Me?
And let me tell you... it is totally possible.
You can make a man want you, crave you, need you so bad he worships you.
Every woman has that power, but very few women know it, much more how to use it.
Have you ever gone out and seen those women who are also out with their male counterparts and who are treated like Queens?
He opens the door for her, he buys her the prettiest things, he boasts about her to his friends, when she's around him, he is totally consumed by her presence.
Have you ever seen such a woman and secretly wished to yourself, "I wish I was her"?
If you have, your time has come. Using the unique strategies I will show you, you can have a man, any man, eating out of the palms of your hands - no juju, no prayer and fasting and none of that nonsense Jaruma things that don't work.
And he will do it gladly. He will do it happily. He will do it for only you, even if there are 1,000 other women vying for his attention. And the best part?
He will do it for you all the days of his life.
All you need to do to make this happen is understand what goes on in the heads of men when they meet a woman they like and how to use that to your advantage.
And why should you believe me? Why should you listen to anything I say about this?
Here's why.
My name is Atewo Laolu-Ogunniyi, also known as Peeshaun, one half of the Skuki music group, these days I also give and teach young women how to navigate their relationships with men.
I’ve been doing this a long time. I’ve helped a lot of people. A lot of women. Even a lot of men, sort out their relationship issues.
I have over 100,000 followers on Instagram who wait to listen to my videos on the topic everyday.
Each post I do gets thousands of views and hundreds of comments.
And I know how bad many women have it.
I see how many are treated like nothing by guys. I know because I have plenty of them come around me and my other celebrity friends.
If you want a man to treat you better, to treat you different, to worship you, you have to do things differently, you have to do this my way, because my way works.
Before I tell you what "my way" is though,
You Must Make Me A Promise
You must PROMISE right now…
- To forget every fantasy you ever had about what men are “supposed” to be…
- To erase every bit of crap you ever learned from any of those other online blogs magazines written by 18-year-old interns from your mind…
- To LET GO of the pain and bitterness and ANGER you have towards men who have disappointed you in the past…
To listen and to reserve judgment and to actually TRY what you learn.
If you can do that, this is going to be a life-changing event for you just like it has been for hundreds of women I have coached.
But if you can’t…
Well If you can’t, I thank you for your time but please leave this page right now because we have nothing else to talk about.
Still here? Are we cool? Promise?
I just need you to say “yes” to a few important questions before I let you into “the club”:
Are you...
- Ready to learn the actual, honest truth about men?
- Ready to learn the incredibly simple techniques and tricks that will make him not just pay attention to you but worship you like his personal queen?
- Ready to finally feel what it’s like to relax with a man?
- Ready to be able to give yourself to a him without fear he’s going to turn out like all the others or leave you for someone half your age?
- Ready to feel and know in every fiber of your being that he truly loves you and wants to be with you and only you forever?
- Ready to feel truly safe and wanted and precious to him?
- Are you ready for him to put down his damn cell phone and actually listen and pay attention and really be present with you because you are his absolute priority?
- Ready to be his sexual obsession… and to feel his eyes on you every time you walk across the room?
- Ready to have him pull you close instead of pushing you away?
If you’re still reading this…
If you’ve felt yourself nodding along and wanting to feel like this…
If you’re brave enough to want to hear the actual truth even if it’s not what you want to be true…
Then it means the answer is yes, yes, yes, yes, yes…
Then let me introduce you to...
Make HIM Worship You is my step-by-step guide filled with tips, strategies and psychological techniques for making a man fall in love with you, and WORSHIP YOU everyday of his waking life.
You may think that's not possible, but that's because you do not know...
- The secret, hidden emotional side of men which actually make them the "weaker sex", not you, and how to use it to get any man hooked on you.
- How to access his inner man, so you can automatically have him desiring you, just the way you play it in your head, while you cross your legs and get pampered and adored, like the true Queen that you are.
- How to get him to be intensely romantic towards you, more than he has ever being to any other woman in his entire life.
- Men are scum? An African man who is born and raised in Africa is different from men born in other continents. Know the difference! And you will be miles ahead of other women and you will have the power over men right in your hands.
- How to identify fuck boys from a mile away. You’ll be able to separate the boys from the men, the serious ones from the ‘not so serious’ ones, so you finally stop investing your precious time and emotions with the wrong type.
- Revealed: The number 1 secret that would make any man find you.
- The 1 character trait in a woman, that makes men weak to their knees.. activate this power of yours, and watch him panic and blow up your phone with 99 missed calls.
- How to Make Him 100% “Mr Romantic” Smash all the patriarchal and outdated male beliefs that make him hide his romantic side (and you'll finally discover the loving and caring man inside.)
- And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, you’ll also discover
- How to have total control of your love life with any man no more canceled dates from his end, no more standing you up, making you wait for him all night.
- What Men Really Want from Women Something that he will never tell you even if he has a gun pointed at his head (Find out this long time hidden secret that men don’t want any woman to know).
- Do you want him to want to spend more time with you? Not only would he want to spend time with you, he would be jealous anytime you are not with him, and he’ll keep asking and confirming when he is going to see you.
- How to have him serious about settling down You would command respect and also instill in him the fear of losing you, simply because he knows he can never ever find another girl as sweet as you.
- He doesn’t want commitment? What it Means and why it has NOTHING to do with how attracted he is to you… (You’ll learn how to make him feel comfortable, certain and “ready” for you with nothing but a smile and a subtle change in your disposition…)
And so much more.
Can you feel that?
Your heart beating… gbish, gbish, gbish.
The dryness in your mouth…
That incredible desire to know this, to be able to do this, to have this power?
To have that one special man
need you (and only you) like this?
To feel not just loved but WORSHIPPED by him like a queen, like a goddess, like his one true love…
How much is it worth to have all this at your fingertips?
How much is it worth to have him fall in love with you and STAY in love with you for as long as you want?
How much is it worth to never have to settle for a guy because you know there is an endless supply of men who would chew off their own leg to be with you?
How much is it worth to know he has given you his heart… his love… his devotion… and that it is yours forever if you just follow these simple steps?
To know the secret to making any man want to commit so you can stop going through the hell of “dating” and spend the rest of your life in love …?
To make your boyfriend chase you and want you and need you like this even if he feels like a ghost to you now?…
To have your husband wake up to the amazing woman who has been there under his nose the whole time…
I see so many women every day in misery because they don’t understand men…
Women who beg their boyfriends or husbands to do things with them and give them attention to no avail…
Or women who complain about being alone, who spend so much money on dating sites and fancy clothes…
But who just don’t understand masculine psychology… what men truly desire… what inspires a man to want to be the love and lover you’ve wanted for so long…
So think about that for a second…
Keep that solid in your head…
Think about how knowing this… how having this information and tactics will change your entire future with men just like they did for me…
How it will keep your current relationship from ending in bitterness and pain the way all the others did…
How it will make sure you never make the same mistakes again …
How it will keep him faithful…
And then ask yourself…
What do you think would be a fair price to...
“Make Him Worship You” Forever?
Is it one hundred thousand naira? A million naira?
Can you even put a price on it?
Can you put a price on being filled with happiness every morning when you wake up and see your man laying there next to you breathing peacefully…
Knowing he’s going to treat you like a goddess for the rest of your life?
If you’re being completely honest, I bet you’d say that =N=50,000 or more would be an incredibly cheap price to pay to finally be loved and adored and wanted the way you’ve always deserved…
(Heck, I bet you’d think that was cheap to never have to feel that pain and disappointment again.)
To never have to wonder again how he really feels about you…
Because you can feel the passion and desire and love emanating off him like heat from a gas cooker…
And considering this is a power you’ll carry with you for the rest of your life and will change the way men treat you forever…
Well, when you look at it that way, it sounds really cheap, doesn’t it?
But you know what, I get it…
I know that even when you want something so much and know it’s a once‑in-a-lifetime deal…
As a woman who’s spent so much of your life giving and giving and giving to others…
Sometimes it feels impossible to be “selfish” and give yourself what you so desperately need.
Which is why I flat-out knocked down the price so I can offer you Make Him Worship You at a discounted price …
We’ve already agreed that learning how to make any man you want utterly worship you is worth at least =N=50,000…
(And honestly, it’s worth a LOT more than that.)
But because you’ve stuck with me through my whole story…
Because you’ve shown me you’d rather be happy than right…
I’ve decided to let a very small number of women “test out” “Make Him Worship You” at a tiny fraction of that price …
Which means, if you act right now you won’t pay =N=50,000.
You won’t pay =N=25,000 (though I think you’ll agree that would be a total steal.)
You won’t even pay=N=15,000…
I’ve put myself on the line here – so as long as this page is up…
You’ll get the complete “Make Him Worship You” program for the discounted price of…
Just =N=6,500!
Immediate Action Discount
And all you have to do to secure this incredible discount is click the button below right now…
That’s the good news.
The bad news is that to “lock in” your discount...
You Have To Act Right Now
Why? Because after working so hard on this program and sharing these secrets, I feel like =N=6,500 is just WAY TOO CHEAP.
I believe that to fulfill my mission to help as many women as possible I may need to DOUBLE or even TRIPLE the price to something more “reasonable”…
If you’re still seeing this page, it means I'm still testing to find out if I can increase the price and still have people continue buying it at the higher amount…
But I can change my mind at any time…
So please, if you come back in a few hours or tomorrow and the price is higher (maybe, MUCH higher) …
Please, don’t write me begging …
If you pass up your one chance to “lock in” your discount now, there’s simply nothing I can do for you.
Oh, and just to take away every excuse your brain can come up with not to do this for yourself…
I am backing everything up with an incredible…

100% 60-Day
Here’s how it works:
Just enroll in “Make Him Worship You” right now and USE the material…
(It’s so easy to use and as close to “Done-for-You” as humanly possible.)
See for yourself how easy it is to have the relationship you’ve always dreamed of when you know these secrets…
If you don’t think “Make Him Worship You” is worth at least five times what you’re paying today…
Just contact our customer service team any time in the next 60 days and you’ll get every dime back as fast as humanly possible. Their email address is at
Which means you get to “try out” everything in “Make Him Worship You” and see the results it’s going to get for you, basically for free…
And all you have to do to take advantage of my generosity is click the button below right now…
Once you do, you’ll get instant download access…
So you can start reading “Make Him Worship You” on your phone, tablet or computer anywhere you want, any time you need it…
Just click the button right now…
Pay your severely-discounted enrollment fee…
Go through the program.
Learn the secrets of the male mind and heart to make him yours (and only yours) for as long as you want him…
Use these tested and proven techniques…
Feel what it’s like to have his complete attention whenever you want it…
To have him chase you…
To have him truly worship you…
Holding you hard against him (because he’s desperate not to let you get away…)
Connecting and communicating with you in a way that sends shocks of delight through every cell of your body.
Experience what it’s like to be in control with men…
To finally be the one deciding if you want to give him any more of your precious time…
Your favorite relationship coach
Coach Peeshaun

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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: While our informational products are founded on years of research and development, individual results are based on a variety of factors and will vary significantly by individual. In no way are our products intended to function as or replace counseling received from a licensed professional. Testimonials we receive from our clients are authentic, however their experiences and results achieved should not be viewed as typical.
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